Lot #1845     -     Lot #1846     -     Lot #1848     -     Lot #1849     -     Lot #1850

Lot #1851     -     Lot #1852     -     ELITE SEMEN     -     WILD CARD
Kyle Merrick
Sayre, OK
(580) 210-9096
Auction Ends On
MONDAY, May 14th, 2007
at 8:00 PM central
bids display eastern time
Contact the consignor for any questions concerning this consignment BEFORE placing a bid.

PAYMENT must be RECEIVED within 14 days of the auction's close!
Lot #1847 - 2yr Old Futurity Bull
ABBI# 10037637
DOB: 05/01/2005
Broke Back V           
ABBI# 10006069
Walls Breeding         
#86 Boo Boo             
ABBI# 10010414
CLICK HERE to watch VIDEO 1 of 2
of #531 in ACTION!!!
ABBI# 10037637     -     DOB: 05/01/2005
Entered in the 2007 American Heritage Futurity
#531 has only been bucked TWICE!!!
Once as a coming yearling and once as a coming 2yr old.
Watch BOTH of those trips in the videos posted below.
Lot #1847 - 2yr Old Futurity Bull
ABBI# 10037637     -     DOB: 05/01/2005
#426 Patches            
ABBI# 10017174
KM #57                       
KM #367                    
ABBI# 10019699
ABBI# 10017191
Merrick Breeding     
Merrick Breeding     
Page #111                 
ABBI# 10008415
Son of #00 Super Dave
Lyons #26                 
ABBI# 10021814
#531 has only been bucked TWICE!!!
Once as a coming yearling and once as a coming 2yr old.
Watch BOTH of those trips in the videos posted below.
Video 1 of 2 was #531's 1st time bucked ~ 04/01/2006.
CLICK HERE to watch VIDEO 2 of 2
of #531 in ACTION!!!
Video 2 of 2 was #531's 2nd and LAST time bucked ~ 04/20/2007.
#86 Boo Boo  -  SIRE to #531
not up for auction
#86 Boo Boo is a REGISTERED SON of Broke Back V!
KM #367  -  DAM to #531
not up for auction
Daughter of #426 Patches.
#426 Patches
not up for auction
#426 Patches is a SON of Page #111, a son of #00 Super Dave.
#531 is EID Tagged, and is ready to compete!!!
He is ENTERED with his fees PAID IN FULL
for the 2007 American Heritage Futurity.

I am only selling this bull because ABBI employees
cannot compete at ABBI sanctioned events.
#531 is EID Tagged, and is ready to compete!!!
He is ENTERED with his fees PAID IN FULL
for the 2007 American Heritage Futurity.

I am only selling this bull because ABBI employees
cannot compete at ABBI sanctioned events.