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#829 Gandalf |
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Lot #1994 - Lot #1995 - Lot #1996 - Lot #1997 - Lot #1998 Lot #1999 - Lot #2000 - Lot #2001 - ELITE SEMEN - WILD CARD |
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Consignor: JCB Buck 'N Bull Genetics Jerry & Carol Brian Tatum, Texas C: (903) 720-5248 - H: (903) 947-2280 www.jcbbucknbullgenetics.com |
Auction Ends On MONDAY, July 16th, 2007 at 8:00 PM central bids display eastern time |
Contact the consignor for any questions concerning this consignment BEFORE placing a bid. PAYMENT must be RECEIVED within 14 days of the auction's close! |
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Lot #1993 - Yearling Bull |
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#606 ABBI# 10049012 DOB: 01/02/2006 |
~ VIDEO CONSIGNMENT ~ Grandson of #749 Rooster |
JCB #606 ABBI# 10049012 - DOB: 01/02/2006 |
ABBI# 10027300 |
Ramirez Breeding |
#749 Rooster |
ABBI# 10001587 |
CP1 Kung Fu |
ABBI# 10005160 |
Miss Little Houdini |
ABBI# 10005897 |
Wheeler #550 |
ABBI# 10005900 |
#56 Little Houdini |
ABBI# 10003365 |
CP6 |
ABBI# 10003369 |
JCB #606 has been bucked TWICE with a dummy. The video posted below is from his 2nd and last time bucked. |
CLICK HERE to watch a VIDEO of JCB #606 in ACTION!!! |
JCB #606 is EID Tagged and is ready to go!!! DOUBLE BRED #161 White Sport Coat!!! JCB #606 is a maternal half brother to Slimdini, who sold on The Breeder's Connection for $25,000.00 as a two year old. |
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White Sport Coat |
ABBI# 10001139 |
Ramirez Breeding |
Ramirez Breeding |
White Sport Coat |
ABBI# 10001139 |
Lot #1993 - Yearling Bull |
JCB #606 ABBI# 10049012 - DOB: 01/02/2006 |