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The BIDDING for this Lot will start at 7:10pm CENTRAL on MONDAY, December 1st, 2008. BIDS DISPLAY EASTERN TIME The bidding for this lot will be open for 5 minutes after the bidding starts, and for an additional 5 minutes after every bid is placed. The bidding will close when a bid has not been received within 5 minutes. If you need to place a phone bid call (715) 820-1276. |
The BIDDING for this Lot will start at 7:10pm CENTRAL on MONDAY, December 1st, 2008. BIDS DISPLAY EASTERN TIME The bidding for this lot will be open for 5 minutes after the bidding starts, and for an additional 5 minutes after every bid is placed. The bidding will close when a bid has not been received within 5 minutes. If you need to place a phone bid call (715) 820-1276. |
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Lot #3012 - 9yr Old Cow |
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Consignor: Gerald & Kara German Peever, South Dakota H: (605) 932-3608 - C: (605) 880-9652 www.germanrodeobulls.com |
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Contact the consignor for any questions concerning this consignment BEFORE placing a bid. PAYMENT must be RECEIVED within 14 days of the auction's close! |
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Daughter of the FAMOUS J31A Bodacious EXPOSED to a son of A6 |
#910 ABBI# 10000917 - DOB: 04/05/1999 SIRE: J31A Bodacious ABBI# 10000708 1994 & 1995 PRCA Bucking Bull of the Year 1992, 1994, and 1995 PRCA Bucking Bull of the Finals DAM: Sioux River Ranch Just like most Bodacious Daughters, this cow is an EXCELLENT PRODUCER!!! |
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The BIDDING for this Lot will start at 7:10pm CENTRAL on MONDAY, December 1st, 2008. |
Lot #3012 - 9yr Old Cow |
The BIDDING for this Lot will start at 7:10pm CENTRAL on MONDAY, December 1st, 2008. |
#910 ABBI# 10000917 - DOB: 04/05/1999 SIRE: J31A Bodacious ABBI# 10000708 1994 & 1995 PRCA Bucking Bull of the Year 1992, 1994, and 1995 PRCA Bucking Bull of the Finals DAM: Sioux River Ranch Just like most Bodacious Daughters, this cow is an EXCELLENT PRODUCER!!! |
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ABOVE PICTURE: #910's 2007 BULL CALF not up for auction |
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ABOVE PICTURE: #910's OLDEST CALF that sold for $9,000.00 when he was 2yrs old. not up for auction |
ABOVE PICTURE: #910's 2007 BULL CALF not up for auction |
ABOVE PICTURE: #910's OLDEST CALF that sold for $9,000.00 when he was 2yrs old. not up for auction |
#910 has been 120 DAYS EXPOSED to: |
#910 has been 120 DAYS EXPOSED to: |
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#601 Stew Cat - ABBI# 10018608 not up for auction #610 Stew Cat is a SON of A6 - a Naccarato raised SUPER SIRE. #601 Stew Cat is said to be out of an Original Huffman Cow. |
#601 Stew Cat - ABBI# 10018608 not up for auction #610 Stew Cat is a SON of A6 - a Naccarato raised SUPER SIRE. #601 Stew Cat is said to be out of an Original Huffman Cow. |
Bodacious daughters are getting harder & harder to find!!! This cow has already proven herself as a great producer, and is selling EXPOSED to a son of A6... DON'T MISS OUT!!! |
Bodacious daughters are getting harder & harder to find!!! This cow has already proven herself as a great producer, and is selling EXPOSED to a son of A6... DON'T MISS OUT!!! |