2 Straws of Semen
Lot #1360     -     Lot #1361     -     Lot #1362     -     Lot #1363     -     Lot #1364
Lot #1365     -     Lot #1366     -     Lot #1367     -     WILD CARD
Contact the consignor for any questions concerning this consignment BEFORE placing a bid.

Terms of Delivery:
High Bidder pays shipping.
Bid does not include shipping cost.
Bill Spaletta
Petaluma, CA
(707) 477-1813
Auction Ends On
MONDAY - October 16th, 2006
at 8:00 PM central
bids display eastern time
Elite Semen Consignment
Be watching the upcoming auctions
as we will draw for our next Elite Semen Consignment.
Elite Semen Consignment
You are bidding on the PER STRAW price!
You MUST take BOTH straws!!!
2 STRAWS: #812 Blenderhead

2004 Third place Bull of the Year in the PRCA
2004 Runner-up Bull of the NFR
Probullstats 2005 #2 ranked Bull behind Smokeless Wardance
Champion Bull of the DNCFR
CLICK HERE to see Blenderhead's ProBullStats

Blenderhead only has ONE Son currently Registered with the ABBI
#129 Vertical Limit
Click Here for ProBullStats
2 Straws of Semen
You are bidding on the PER STRAW price!
You MUST take BOTH straws!!!